All F-1 students are required to report and maintain a U.S. Physical address in SEVIS (the Department of Homeland Security system). All F-1 students must report their address within 10 calendar days of initial arrival in the U.S., and within 10 calendar days of any change. Your U.S. address must be the address where you live, near your JHU campus (campus department addresses, P.O. Boxes, or an address outside the U.S. are not accepted). We also encourage all students to keep an active U.S. phone number and set up and regularly check your voicemail.
Reporting your address in a timely manner is required to maintain your F-1 status.
Updating your Address:
Current Students
Updating your U.S. address is a two-step process:
- Report your U.S. address and phone number to OIS:
- Log in to iHopkins, click F-1 Student Services and submit the “F-1 Student Address and Phone Number Update eForm”
- The eForm will show your current U.S. address and phone number as reported in SEVIS. If this information is accurate, no action is needed. If it has changed, type your new address or phone number and submit the form. OIS will update SEVIS with your new information
- Update your U.S. address in SIS:
- Log in to SIS self-service with your JHED ID and password
- Update your address and contact information as needed
Students on Post-Completion OPT or OPT STEM Extension
Report any changes to your U.S. address or phone number within 10 days of a change:
- Log into iHopkins to report your new address:
- If you are on Post-Completion OPT, use the “OPT Reporting eForm”
- If you are on a STEM extension, use the “STEM OPT Reporting eForm”
OIS will update your SEVIS record within 10 business days of receiving your eForm.
©2013-2025 The Johns Hopkins Office of International Services. All rights reserved. Baltimore, Maryland.