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We hope that you are having an academically successful fall so far! Read our this month’s newsletter for important immigration related information, updates, upcoming events […]

Welcome to Fall 2024! OIS is so excited you are at JHU for fall 2024 semester. This month’s newsletter has information for updates for students, scholars, and information about upcoming events […]

OIS wishes you all the best for your finals and a restful summer break! Whether you are planning to travel during summer, graduate and prepare for next steps, or continue in your program after summer break, keep up-to-date with the information and reminders this month’s newsletter brings […]

Don’t forget to review important reminders about filing taxes, updating your local address, requesting authorizations, travel signatures, and more […]

This month’s newsletter brings you important reminders, upcoming events, improved OIS services, and more […]

Now that you have settled into spring term, check out our news letter for important reminders and various webinars […]

We hope you had a safe and enjoyable break! We wish you the best in this New Year! […]

Happy New Year and welcome back to campus! We hope you had an enjoyable winter break.  As we enter 2024 and the start of spring semester, we are reaching out to share the top four critical reminders about OIS services and important things to keep in mind for maintaining your immigration status and having a […]

OIS wishes you all the best for your exams and Happy Holidays! While you prepare for winter break, keep up-to-date with the information and reminders this month’s newsletter brings […]

Winter Break is around the corner! Whether you are in rush of finals, planning your travel, read our this month’s newsletter for important information, reminders, upcoming events to add to your Fall to-do list […]