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Before requesting sponsorship for a J-1 visiting student through the OIS, review the information about the J-1 Exchange Visitor program. This page provides information for Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Departments seeking to host non-U.S. students who are enrolled in a degree program at an institution of higher education abroad, to engage in JHU activities such as full-time research and/or coursework per the terms of the JHU Visitor Policy.  

OIS provides immigration sponsorship for individuals who have been admitted to a JHU school/department as a “Visiting Student.” OIS works with the hosting department to issue a DS-2019 for the visiting student in the J-1 Student Non-Degree category. Below are some important points about J-1 Sponsorship for visiting students:   

  • Duration- The J-1 Student Non-Degree category has a minimum duration of three weeks and a maximum of two years
  • Admission Requirement- Visiting students must receive admission to the JHU school that is hosting their program. Hosting department should contact their school’s Admissions office for questions about the admissions process for visiting students
  • Enrollment Requirement- J-1 regulations require that Non-Degree students engage full-time in a prescribed course of study. Visiting students are required to enroll in research credits and/or coursework upon arrival and for each additional semester/term they are at JHU on a full-time basis 
  • Participation Requirements- Activities must occur primarily in-person. Virtual or fully remote exchange programs are not permitted
  • Program Dates- Visiting student program dates must fall within an established school semester/term in accordance with the appropriate academic calendar:  *Note the following*
    • A visiting student start date must fall within an academic term with at least two weeks remaining in that term
    • A visiting student end date must fall outside of the two-week add/drop period of a new academic term   
Post-Graduation Considerations for Visiting Students

Departments who wish to retain a visiting student beyond the completion of their visiting student program at JHU (and graduation from their degree program abroad) must review information HERE.

Requesting J-1 Visiting Student Sponsorship

J-1 sponsorship requests must be initiated by the host department AFTER the student has been admitted.  Please make sure to review the process flow chart and contact the OIS for any questions before proceeding.  When requesting J-1 sponsorship, it is important to pick a start date that will allow time for visa processing and travel.  While there are many variables to consider and visa processing times can vary greatly, we recommend allowing at least 90 days from the date the student is admitted in SIS to the date the student is expected to start their program at JHU.  If an unrealistic start date is requested, the OIS will amend the date and inform the department. 

The request is completed via an electronic process in iHopkins.  The host department will need to upload the following items to the J-1 visiting student request: 

Required J-1 Visiting Student Training for Department Administrators

Johns Hopkins departments that host J-1 visiting students must designate a department administrator to submit requests for immigration sponsorship through iHopkins, the database used by OIS to process J-1 applications and other types of immigration sponsorship requests. (The designated department administrator is typically a staff member within the department who is closely involved with the administrative details of inviting the visiting student).  

Department administrators submitting Visiting Student requests through iHopkins must first complete all training modules below, followed by completion of the competency quiz. First time iHopkins users must also submit a request to gain access to iHopkins.

J-1 Visiting Student eForm Training Part I
  • J-1 Exchange Visitor Program Overview (Student Non-Degree)
  • Visiting student request requirements and documents
  • Process review and timeline
  • Download Presentation PDF
J-1 Visiting Student eForm Training Part II
  • Navigating iHopkins Module 2
  • Look up a record to initiate visiting student request Module 3
  • Giving visiting student access to their eForms Module 4
  • Visiting Student Initial eForm Request Module 5
  • Initial Program Date Change eForm Request Module 6
  • Visiting Student Extension and Amendment eForm Request Module 7
J-1 Visiting Student eForm Training Part III
  • J-1 Visiting Student Competency Quiz (Must download the Presentation PDF below to access the Quiz link)
  • Requesting iHopkins Access
  • Download Presentation PDF
Initial/New J-1 Visiting Student Process

Department administrators requesting J-1 immigration sponsorship on behalf of the visiting student must ensure that the student has been admitted as a non-degree student to the correct program in SISThe non-degree student record must feed into iHopkins from SIS before the department administrator can initiate the J-1 Visiting Student-Initial Request.  

Once the student record is in iHopkins, follow the steps below: 

  1. Log into iHopkins 
  2. Access the Departmental Services Menu 
  3. Open the “Visiting Student J-1 Initial Request” eForm group

For students coming from abroad: 

The J-1 Initial Request Process timeline for visiting students describes the steps and parties involved. *Note that the J-1 Initial requests should be fully submitted at least 2-3 months in advance of student’s intended start date and department should be prepared to exercise flexibility around start dates due to potential visa processing or travel delays* 

Resources and training materials are available on the OIS SharePoint site for assistance with this process. 

For students already in the U.S.: 

If the student already holds an active J-1 status under the sponsorship of another U.S. institution or if the student is in the U.S. and holds an immigration status other than J-1, department should consult OIS first to determine student’s eligibility for a visiting student program at JHU.

Considerations for submitting a J-1 request for visiting student: 

  • Maximum duration for J-1 student non-degree category is two years 
  • Per the JHU visitors’ policy, the visiting student must be enrolled in a degree program at an institution of higher education abroad as long as they remain a visiting student at JHU 
  • Request a reasonable start date by submitting the J-1 request in iHopkins at least 2-3 months in advance of the visiting student’s intended program start date  
  • Remember, program start and end date must fall within an established school semester/term in accordance with the appropriate academic calendar:
Initial Program Date Change Process

There are many variables that can influence visiting student’s ability to arrive to the U.S. in timely manner and begin their program on a specific date. The J-1 visiting student initial visa timeline  provides a helpful overview. If the student is not able to arrive by the start date listed on their DS-2019 for a reason such as, visa delays or family matters, and would like to delay their program start date, the department may request a start date by submitting the Initial Program Date Change Request eForm, through iHopkins. (no less than 10 days in advance of the proposed new start date and prior to the J-1’s arrival to the U.S.) 

*If the new start date falls into a new semester/term, then the admission record must be updated in SIS to reflect the new semester/term before submitting the eForm request through iHopkins. 

To submit Initial Program Date Change Request eForm 

  1. Log in to iHopkins
  2. Access the Departmental Services menu
  3. Click on “J-1 Exchange Visitor-Initial Program Date Change Request” under tasks
    1. You may need to upload revised funding documents 

Alternatively, click “My Current Cases” under Lists. Click J-1 visiting student’s name and then click to access the “J-1 Exchange Visitor- Initial Program Date Change Request” eForm. 

J-1 Visiting Student Extension and Amendment Process

Department Administrators must request program extensions or changes/amendments on behalf of J-1 visiting students who are already under JHU’s J-1 sponsorship. *The maximum duration of participation in J-1 Non-Degree status is up to two years.*

To submit requests for J-1 Extensions/Amendments, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into iHopkins 
  2. Access the Departmental Services Menu 
  3. Open the “Visiting Student J-1 Extension/Amendment Request ” eForm group

J-1 Extensions:

  • J-1 visiting student may be eligible to extend their J-1 immigration status if:
    • They will remain enrolled in their degree program abroad and the JHU department has extended their visiting student program at JHU
    • They will continue to enroll in the required JHU course(s) during the extension period
    • They will continue to participate in JHU activities within the U.S., in-person, and on a full-time basis
    • They have sufficient funding for the period of extension
    • There is time remaining on their J-1 immigration status
    • They have maintained J-1 status and are otherwise eligible for an extension
  • Department administrators completing the J-1 Extension/Amendment eForm should select the purpose of the form as “Extension” and follow the eForm prompts
  • Note that a visiting student’s requested extension end date must fall within an established academic term/semester

J-1 Amendments:

  • For changes to the conditions of a J-1 visiting student’s program, a request for J-1 Amendment must be submitted. This may include changes in funding, hosting faculty sponsor, site of activity, or other changes in the conditions of their program
  • Department administrators completing the J-1 Extension/Amendment eForm should select the purpose of the form as “Amendment” and follow the eForm prompts

J-1 Extension & Amendment:

  • Department administrators are given the option to both extend and amend a J-1 record simultaneously. This allows for changes to the visiting student’s program, if eligible, at the same time as extension
  • In this case, the Department administrator should select the purpose of the form as “Extension and Amendment” and follow the eForm prompts

Requests for J-1 Extensions and Amendments must be submitted at least 1-2 months in advance. For extensions, a J-1 cannot be extended after their program end date as their J-1 immigration record will have already expired. For Amendments, OIS cannot process any retroactive changes to a J-1 record so the requested change must be submitted for a future date.


J-1 Visiting Student End of Program

When a J-1 program is nearing expiration, there are a number of responsibilities placed on the department administrator as well as the visiting student. If the department does not intend to extend the student’s program they should consider the following scenarios: 

Program Ends On-Time: 

If the visiting student will end their JHU program and/or depart the U.S. as planned on their original program end date, they should follow the instructions in the expiration notice emails to complete the End of Program Departure Information eForm in iHopkins. The student will begin receiving expiration emails prior to their end date (on which the department administrator is copied). 

Program Ends/Terminates Early: 

If the visiting student will end their program, depart the U.S., change to a different immigration status (at least 15 days earlier than their original J-1 program end date),  or the department decides to terminate their program for any reason, the department administrator must inform OIS in writing, email notification will suffice, of the change in end date and ask the visiting student to complete the End of Program Departure Information eForm in iHopkins. 

J-1 Transfer Out 

If the visiting student has been admitted to another U.S. institution and is eligible to transfer their J-1 immigration status they should review the instructions for J-1 Transfer Out on the OIS website. 

  • For J-1 Transfer Out, the current hosting department at Johns Hopkins must complete their portion (section 2) of the J-1 Student Transfer Out Clearance Form and return it to the visiting student.

In addition to completing mandatory training, department administrators who submit J-1 visiting student requests, should familiarize themselves with the responsibilities and obligations for hosting J-1 visiting students, by visiting the Departmental Responsibilities section of our website.

Questions regarding the J-1 Request Processes can be directed to [email protected].

Questions regarding technical difficulty in accessing and/or submit the eForms or locating the record in iHopkins should be directed to [email protected].