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The 24-month STEM OPT Extension (STEM OPT) is defined in the F-1 regulations as a “24-month extension of post-completion OPT for a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) degree.”  

Keep in mind that as the student in F-1 status, you are responsible for applying for the STEM OPT extension in a timely and complete manner. Before filing your STEM OPT application with USCIS, you must first receive an I-20 recommending STEM OPT from OIS. The Department of Homeland Security has a website that provides details for students and STEM OPT employers.

Eligibility for STEM OPT

A student is eligible for the 24-month extension of post-completion OPT if all of the following apply:

  • You must currently be in an authorized period of post-completion OPT and maintaining your F-1 status 
  • You must have a qualifying STEM degree (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree) earned at an accredited, SEVP-certified, U.S. higher education institution in the last 10 years
  • You must have a qualifying employer for a position in the qualifying STEM degree field
    • The job must be paid, you must work in the position for at least 20 hours a week and there should be a bona fide employer-employee relationship between you and the employer. Self-employment is not allowed
    • The employer must be registered in E-Verify, have an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN), and sufficient resources to provide a training program
      • Note: The Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Hospital are E-Verify employers
    • The employer must sign the Form I-983 Training Plan, agreeing to the wage, working conditions, supervision, site visit, and reporting obligations set forth on the Form I-983 and in the regulations
  • You must only pursue training directly related to your major field of study
  • You must have no more than one previous STEM extension

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STEM OPT Application Process

STEP 1: The Form I-983

The Form I-983 is a formal training plan between the student in F-1 status and their employer that must clearly articulate the STEM OPT student’s learning objectives and affirm the employer’s commitment to helping the student achieve those objectives. The Form I-983 is not provided to USCIS with your STEM OPT application.

The Form I-765 is used to request employment authorization and an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). When electronically filing the Form I-765 with USCIS online, you will not fill out a paper copy of the Form I-765. The USCIS online filing system uses logic that limits the questions you will need to answer based on prior answers, diminishing the opportunity for errors.

When filling out your online application, please be sure to select the proper eligibility category: (C) (3) (C) STEM OPT. 

A complete and signed Form I-983 must be submitted to OIS for each employer a student will work for while authorized for STEM OPT. If you change employers or positions while authorized for STEM OPT, you must submit a new Form I-983.

STEM OPT students and their employers are subject to the terms and conditions of the 24-month STEM OPT Extension regulations, effective as of the training start date requested for the associated STEM OPT period, as indicated on the Form I-983. Additional information on completing the Form I-983 can be found at the Department of Homeland Security’s website.

Note: Page 5 of the Form I-983 is used for the required annual self-evaluations, and therefore, is not completed as part of the initial application process.

Form I-983 Instructions

Section 1: Student Information (completed by the student)
  • Student Name: Enter your full name (Surname/Primary Name, Given Name) as it appears on I-20
  • Name of School Recommending STEM OPT: Enter school name (see “School Information” section on your Form I-20) Example: Johns Hopkins University
  • Name of School Where STEM Degree Was Earned: Enter the name of the school from which you earned the degree upon which the STEM OPT is based. This may or may not be the same school recommending the STEM OPT if you are using a prior qualifying STEM degree
    • In most cases, this field should reflect: Johns Hopkins University
  • SEVIS School Code of School Recommending STEM OPT: This can be found on page 1 of your I-20 about halfway down the page under the section titled “School Information”. The School Code is listed under “School Code and Approval Date”
  • DSO Name and Contact Information: Dacia Gauer, 667-208-7001, [email protected], 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218
  • Student SEVIS ID Number: Enter your SEVIS identification (ID) number (see “SEVIS ID” at top of your Form I-20, beginning with N)
  • STEM OPT Requested Period: The duration of your STEM OPT extension is based on your current post-completion OPT end date, regardless of whether the authorized dates match actual training dates. For a student currently on post-completion OPT requesting a STEM OPT extension, the start date of the STEM OPT should be the day after your current post-completion OPT ends
  • Qualifying Major and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code: Enter the code per Form I-20 for the school and degree program upon which you are basing your STEM OPT request. The CIP code is a six-digit code (XX. XXXX) following the major. Example: 11.0701 – Computer Science
  • Level/Type of Qualifying Degree: Enter the academic level upon which you are basing STEM OPT. (For example: Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D.)
  • Date Awarded: Enter the program end date listed on the Form I-20 for the school and degree program upon which you are basing your STEM OPT request
  • Based on Prior Degree: Check “Yes” if your STEM OPT is based on a previously obtained U.S. STEM degree and is not the same degree upon which your current post-completion OPT was granted. Check “No” if your STEM OPT is based on your most recently obtained degree, and that is the degree upon which your current post-completion OPT is based
  • Employment Authorization Number: Enter the number found on your Employment Authorization document (EAD card) underneath “USCIS#”
Section 2: Student Certification (Completed by Student)

Review each item carefully and affirm the statements by signing the Form.

Section 3: Employer Information (Completed by Employer)
  • Be sure to your employer fully completes section 3. The employer’s name should be written as the company’s legal E-Verify name
  • Start Date of Employment: The date entered here needs to reflect the dates of your training with your STEM Extension/E-Verify employer after your post-completion OPT has ended and during the STEM OPT authorization period. In other words, the start date of employment is the date when the student will begin the STEM OPT training with the employer. This is confirmed in the I-983 Instructions
Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Hospital
Employer ID 52-0595110 52-0591656
Everify Number 238072 TBA
NAICS Code 611310 622110
Full-Time U.S. Employees 28,600 9,400
Section 4: Employer Certification (Completed by Employer)

Employer Certification: The Employer Official with Signatory Authority, who is an appropriate individual in the employer’s organization, who is familiar with the student’s goals and performance, and who is an employee who has signatory authority for the employer should review the certification and affirm the statement by signature.

Students in F-1 status working at Johns Hopkins University during the STEM extension period only: 

SIGNATURE AUTHORITY FOR JHU DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYING STEM OPT STUDENTS:  The Training Plan requires information and certifications to be completed both by the student and the employer (i.e., JHU).  The employer information, including the content of the employer certifications (with two notable exceptions discussed below), relate primarily to information specific to the employment of the student and the supervisor’s role.  Given this fact, and to align with JHU practice for signing employment agreements (which are signed by department chairs or administrative unit heads), the Vice President for Human Resources, Heidi Conway, with the advice of counsel, and the agreement of the Office of International Services (OIS) and Chief Risk Officer, has decided to delegate authority for completion and signature of the Training Plans to the STEM OPT students’ supervisors. A copy of the Training Plan will be provided by each supervisor to the student for submission to the student’s home institution.  The Training Plans are not submitted to ICE, but are subject to audit by ICE. DHS has provided detailed information for employers, including I-983 completion and other reporting requirements.

Section 5: Training Plan for OPT STEM Extension Students (Completed by Employer)
  • Federal regulations require each STEM OPT student to prepare and execute with their prospective employer a formal training plan that identifies learning objectives and a plan for achieving those objectives. The STEM OPT student and their employer must work together to finalize the plan
  • Take care to address the questions being asked in Section 5 of the Form I-983
    • Site address needs to be the physical address where student will be working while on the STEM OPT Extension
    • Students may work remotely as long as they continue to comply with the regulatory requirements regarding practical training and continue the training’s mentoring relationship, including completion of the Form I-983. If a student’s work site is their home address due to a remote work arrangement, the site address on Section 5 of the I-983 can indicate the student’s home address
Section 6: Employer Official Certification (Completed by Employer)

The individual who signs this Certification need not be, but can be, the same individual who signed the Employer Certification in Section 4. An employee with signatory authority for the employer should review the certification and affirm the statement by signature.

Evaluation on Student Progress 

Student evaluations are a shared responsibility of both the student and the employer to ensure that the student’s practical training goals are being satisfactorily met. The student is responsible for conducting a self-evaluation based on their own training progress. The employer must review and sign the self-evaluation to attest to its accuracy.

When first applying for the STEM OPT Extension, page 5 should be left blank as the evaluations are only completed once a student is in their STEM OPT authorization period.

These evaluations are required at the following times:

  • Evaluation on Student Progress (top of page 5 of Form I-983) required after completion of 12 months of STEM OPT period. Enter start and end dates for first 12 months of STEM OPT training period
  • Final Evaluation on Student Progress (bottom of page 5 of Form I-983) due within 10 days of the conclusion of 24-month STEM OPT period OR if the STEM OPT training ends early, the student must submit the final evaluation within 10 days following the conclusion of the training opportunity

The Employer Official with Signatory Authority must sign, print name, and enter the date of signature to show concurrence with the evaluation information that the student has entered.

Failing to submit a final evaluation would be a violation of the terms of the Form I-983 and may jeopardize the student’s nonimmigrant status.

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STEP 2: Submit STEM OPT Request form to OIS and receive new I-20

*DO NOT submit your OPT application to USCIS until you have received the I-20 recommending STEM OPT from OIS.

Before filing your STEM OPT application with USCIS, you must first receive an I-20 recommending STEM OPT. OIS can issue the I-20 recommending STEM OPT no sooner than 90 days before your post-completion OPT end date. If your current post-completion OPT authorization has already expired, you cannot apply for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension.

When you apply for STEM OPT, you are requesting authorization to work in a specific job that is directly related to your major field of study. Additionally, you are requesting authorization to work for an employer that is registered in E-Verify, has an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN), and sufficient resources to provide a training program.

First, you will need to complete the Form I-983 with your employer. More information about the Form I-983 is below. Once you have your complete and signed Form I-983, you will need to complete the STEM OPT 24 Month Extension eForm in iHopkins.

If you continue to have access to JHU systems using your JHED login:

  • Go to
  • Click “Login” under “Active JHED Login”
  • Login with your JHED ID and password
  • Once logged in, click on “F-1 Practical Training” in the menu on the left, then click on “STEM OPT 24 Month Extension “

If you no longer have access to JHU systems using your JHED login:

  • Go to
  • Click “No JHED Login”
  • Click “Email me my limited access pin”
  • Enter your Hopkins/University ID
  • A pin will be emailed to your email address that is on file with the OIS
  • Once you receive the pin, log in using your Hopkins ID, date of birth and pin
  • Once logged in, click on “F-1 Practical Training” in the menu on the left, then click on “STEM OPT 24 Month Extension“

If you have any trouble accessing iHopkins, please contact OIS at [email protected].

OIS will review your submission including your completed Form I-983. OIS will contact you by email if any questions arise or if any Form I-983 edits are required before OIS processes your request. You can help prevent the need for edits by following the Form I-983 instructions in step 1- Form I-983 Instructions.

OIS will use the information that you submit on the Form I-983 and the STEM OPT 24 Month Extension eForm to make the STEM OPT Extension recommendation in SEVIS. Make sure that you provide accurate information on these forms. OIS will issue a signed I-20 recommending STEM OPT. You must sign this I-20 by hand and include a copy of it in your application that you submit to USCIS.

Note that OIS only recommends that you receive the 24-month STEM OPT Extension; the final decision is made by USCIS. Once you receive the I-20 recommending STEM OPT, you must file your STEM OPT application with USCIS within 60 days of the date that OIS makes the STEM OPT recommendation in SEVIS and before your post-completion OPT end date.

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STEP 3: Evidence for STEM OPT Application
  • After you have received an I-20 recommending STEM OPT from OIS, you may file your STEM OPT application / form I-765 with USCIS.
  • You will need to upload the following materials to the USCIS online application system. Documents can be uploaded in the following formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF. Photos can be uploaded as a JPG, JPEG, or PNG.

When you file your STEM OPT application with USCIS online, please be sure to select the proper eligibility category for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension: (C)(3)(C)

Evidence (as listed in online filing system)ExampleNotes
2×2 photo of youPassport PhotoSee “Photo Requirements” U.S. Department of State photo requirements. DOS also has a photo check tool that you can use to check the photo ahead of time.
Form I-94Entry I-94 or Change of Status I-797 Approval NoticeDownload your most recent I-94 here:
Employment Authorization DocumentOPT EAD Card 
Form I-20Newest I-20 with STEM OPT Recommendation.This is only referring to the I-20 recommending STEM OPT, not to prior I-20s.
College DegreeDiploma and/or transcripts  It is recommended that you provide both your transcript and your diploma with the STEM degree listed. 
Institution accreditationProof of accreditation (screenshot from school or accreditor’s website).Only required if you are filing STEM OPT based on a prior degree (i.e. not the OPT degree). JHU’s accreditation website can be found here.

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STEP 4: Filing Your STEM OPT Application with USCIS

*DO NOT submit your STEM OPT application to USCIS until you have received the I-20 recommending STEM OPT from OIS. You must file your STEM OPT application with USCIS while inside of the U.S.  

You can either file your STEM OPT application online or by mail. Most students choose to file their applications online and our instructions are for online filing. If you wish to file your application by mail, contact OIS for instructions.

Benefits of Filing Your STEM OPT Application with USCIS Online:

  • USCIS has confirmed that an electronically filed STEM OPT application is less likely to be rejected. This is because the USCIS online filing system uses logic that limits the questions you will need to answer based on prior answers, diminishing the opportunity for errors
  • Once the application is submitted online with final payment, students will immediately receive a receipt number and receipt notice. A paper copy receipt notice will also be mailed to you    
  • Payment will be made on a secure website using a credit or debit card. This means that you’ll be able to confirm receipt of payment at the time of application. Please make sure that you are ready to submit your entire STEM OPT application (including the required STEM OPT recommendation I-20 from OIS, passport photos, and any other supporting documents) when you get to the payment screen  

To electronically file the Form I-765 with USCIS online, individuals must first create a USCIS online account at Once you have created an account, you’ll be able to complete the filing process. Within your USCIS account, you will be able to:  

  • Upload your documents
    • Documents can be uploaded in the following formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF. Photos can be uploaded as a JPG, JPEG, or PNG   
    • File names must contain only English characters (e.g. ABC). Special characters (e.g. @, #, $, &) are not allowed. You will receive an error message if the file format or file name do not meet the standards above  
  • Pay the filing fee
  • Once you submit your application through the online system, you should:
    • Receive your receipt notice and receipt number immediately within your USCIS account
    • Be able to track the status of your case  
    • Communicate with USCIS through a secure inbox 
    • Respond to Requests for Evidence (RFE)

No matter how you file, USCIS must receive your STEM OPT application within 60 days of the date OIS enters the recommendation for STEM OPT into your SEVIS record and before your post-completion OPT end date.

USCIS Offers Premium Processing for certain OPT and STEM OPT Applications:

Premium processing is a service that guarantees USCIS’s response to an application within a certain timeframe. The response will be the issuance of an approval notice, a denial notice, a notice of intent to deny or a request for evidence. For students in F-1 status filing form I-765 for OPT or STEM OPT, the premium processing fee is $1,685 and the timeframe is 30 business days after USCIS receives your complete application.

Before submitting a request for premium processing, consider the current processing times for the Form I-765. You can check USCIS’s OPT processing time by going to their processing times website, selecting “I-765 Application for Employment Authorization” under “Form”, selecting “Based on a request by a qualified F-1 academic student [(c)(3)]” under “Form Category”, and selecting “Potomac Service Center” under “Field Office or Service Center.” There you will be able to see their estimated time range for processing OPT applications.

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STEP 5: While Your Application is Pending

Pay attention to receipt notices, mail, and notifications from USCIS. When you receive your receipt notice, it is important that you check the spelling of your name to make sure there are no errors. If you find an error, contact USCIS at the phone number provided on the notice. This is considered your personal application for immigration benefits and OIS cannot influence USCIS processing of your application.

  • Your OPT work authorization is automatically extended for 180 days if your application for the STEM OPT extension is properly and timely filed.  However, you cannot travel outside the U.S. and return until you have received the new EAD. You can learn more about the 180-day extension on the USCIS website.
  • Contact OIS if your STEM OPT application is rejected, denied, or if you receive a Request for Evidence (RFE).
  • If you move from the U.S. address you entered in item 3 of the Form I-765 or are no longer receiving mail there and have not yet received your Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card), you must update your address information in the USCIS Online Change of Address System.
  • If you have questions about your case or status of your application, please use the USCIS online tools or call the National Customer Service Number (800-375-5283). To check your case status online, click here. On that webpage, you can create a free account which will allow you to view your case status, history, and easily save your receipt numbers. You will also receive electronic case updates.

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Reporting Requirements during STEM OPT

You are required to report information to OIS during your STEM Extension every six months AND whenever there is a change (see below for list of relevant changes).  Students who fail to report this information as required will be in violation of their F-1 status and may jeopardize their legal status in the U.S.  Reporting is done using the STEM OPT Reporting eForm in iHopkins.  During STEM OPT, the SEVP Portal only allows limited updates related to information about existing employers, home address, and phone number.

Reporting Every Six Months

You are required to report to OIS every six months based on the start date of your STEM OPT EAD. This reporting is required to confirm that you are still employed while on the STEM OPT Extension. Reporting must be completed within 10 business days of the six-month due date.

At 6 and 18 months, you only need to report very basic information about your employment. At 12 and 24 months, you need to report employment information and complete the evaluation section on page 5 of the I-983.

Completing Form I-983 at 12 and 24 months

At 12 months, you need to fill out the top half of the last page of your I-983. If you are unemployed, you can leave the supervisor signature blank or you could ask your previous employer to sign it. Your self-evaluation should reflect on what you have learned during your first year of STEM OPT in all jobs you held during that time.  If you have multiple jobs when your evaluation is due, you should submit separate I-983 evaluations for each job you have at that time.

At 24 months, you must submit the bottom half of the last page of your I-983. Information on this requirement may be found at

Reporting Changes during STEM OPT

The following changes must be reported to OIS to maintain your F-1 status. If any of the following occur, please submit the STEM OPT Reporting eForm to OIS. If any information on the I-983 changes, then a new I-983 is needed.

  • New employment – When reporting a new employer, you will be required to explain how the job relates to the degree that qualifies you for the STEM extension.  You may review some examples of acceptable explanations here
  • Change of U.S. address
  • Change in employer’s address, EIN, name, and/or ANY change to employment status
  • Change of phone number and/or e-mail address
  • Change of status (i.e. H1B, F-2, J-2, Permanent Resident, etc.) – A copy of the approval notice must be submitted to OIS. Your final evaluation (bottom half of page 5 of the I-983) is required as well
Reporting Process through iHopkins

If you continue to have access to JHU systems using your JHED login:

  • Go to
  • Click “Login” under “Active JHED Login”
  • Login with your JHED ID and password
  • Once logged in, click on “F-1 Practical Training”, then click on “STEM OPT Reporting Form”

If you no longer have access to JHU systems using your JHED login:

  • Go to
  • Click “No JHED Login”
  • Click “Email me my limited access pin”
  • Enter your Hopkins/University ID
  • A pin will be emailed to your email address that is on file with the OIS
  • Once you receive the pin, log in using your Hopkins ID, date of birth and pin
  • Once logged in, click on “F-1 Practical Training”, then click on “STEM OPT Reporting Form”

If you experience difficulties accessing iHopkins, please email [email protected].

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Travel During STEM OPT Extension

For information on travel while the STEM application is pending or approved, review our OPT travel information page.

Completing STEM OPT

You have a 60-day grace period after the expiration date on your EAD, during which you may leave the U.S., change your immigration status, or transfer to a new degree program.  You may not continue to work under STEM OPT during this period. If, at any time during your STEM OPT period, you decide to depart the U.S. and do not plan to use your remaining STEM OPT, please contact OIS so that we can end your F-1 record.

If you choose to begin a new degree program full-time during your authorized period of STEM OPT, you will lose any STEM OPT time remaining and must cease employment upon release of your SEVIS record from JHU.  

H-1B Cap-Gap Extension of Status and Employment

If an employer is filing an H-1B petition for you and that employer is subject to the annual H-1B cap, your STEM OPT period may be automatically extended to cover the gap between the end of your original STEM OPT period and the start of the H-1B petition, up until April 1 of the fiscal year.  Information on the “Cap Gap” process is sent to all students in an authorized period of STEM OPT in early April.  Please reach out to OIS if your employer filed a cap-subject H-1B petition for you during your STEM OPT extension period. An approval or denial of an H-1B petition can impact your F-1 status. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

STEM OPT Application Process
Can I have STEM OPT based on a previously obtained qualifying STEM degree?

The degree that is the basis for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension may be, but is not required to be, the degree that is the basis for the post-completion OPT period.

The previously obtained qualifying STEM degree must meet the following requirements:

  • That previously obtained degree must have been conferred from a U.S. educational institution that is accredited and SEVP-certified at the time the student’s Designated School Official (DSO) recommends the student for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension and must be in a degree program category included on the current STEM Designated Degree Program List at the time of the DSO recommendation
  • That previously obtained degree must have been conferred within the 10 years preceding the date the DSO recommends the student for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension
Do I need a copy of my diploma or my transcript to send with my application? Do they need to be official?

We recommend sending copies of both your transcript and your diploma with the STEM degree listed. The transcript does not need to be a sealed official transcript, but it does have to show the degree name and completion date. An 8.5”x11” pdf copy of your diploma is sufficient.

Can OIS help me complete the Form I-765 (the online USCIS OPT application)?

Your I-765 is your personal petition to USCIS where you are requesting an immigration benefit. Please review the information on this webpage, particularly in Step 3. The I-765 will require you to upload evidence and OIS provides an evidence chart for your reference. There is also information about the accepted file types and file names.  

Helpful Tips: 

  • When asked to select your eligibility category, select (c)(3)(C) STEM Extension. 
  • You will be asked “What is your reason for applying?” and you’ll select “initial permission to accept employment” 
  • You will be asked for your last place of arrival. If the airport is listed, select that. If the airport is not listed, select the city where the airport is located. 
  • You will be asked for your travel document number (if any) and your A-Number (if any). Most students do not have a travel document number or A-Number. In the rare case that you do have either of these, provide the relevant number.  
  • For questions that do not apply to you, either leaving the field blank or providing “N/A” is allowed.  
While STEM OPT is pending
Am I allowed to change employers while my STEM OPT application is pending with USCIS?

First, look at the post-completion OPT authorization dates on your EAD card. If the employment takes place within the post-completion OPT period, you can work for the new employer until your post-completion OPT authorization ends. Remember that all employment must be reported either through iHopkins or in the SEVP Portal.

To continue employment with that employer after the end date on your post-completion OPT EAD, you must complete the STEM OPT Reporting Form in iHopkins, submit a new Form I-983 for the new employer, and the new employer/employment must meet the following requirements:

  • Your employment must directly relate to the degree upon which you received STEM OPT permission
  • The employer must be enrolled in E-verify
  • You and your employer must complete and send to OIS a training plan (Form I-983)
  • You must be employed at least 20 hours/week at each employer
The case tracker on the USCIS website hasn’t been updated in a while. Will it ever be updated?

The case tracker on the USCIS website will only provide general updates approximately 2 to 3 times during the OPT application process. You’ll know that your case has been received and is in processing. This is what the case tracker will indicate for majority of the time. It should update when OPT has been approved and then again when the EAD has been sent to you.

Can I get a new driver’s license while my STEM OPT application is pending with USCIS?

While your STEM OPT application is pending, your driver’s license might expire, and it generally cannot be renewed until you receive the STEM OPT EAD. You can check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to see if they allow a temporary extension of your driver’s license while the STEM OPT Extension application is pending based on the I-797C receipt notice.

Can I work remotely while authorized for STEM OPT?

Yes, you may work remotely as long as you continue to comply with the regulatory requirements regarding practical training and continue the training’s mentoring relationship, including completion of the Form I-983. If a student’s work site is their home address due to a remote work arrangement, the site address on Section 5 of the I-983 can indicate the student’s home address.

What do I do if my STEM OPT employer changes after my STEM OPT is approved?

If you are already within your STEM OPT period which begins immediately after your post-completion OPT end date (even if your application is pending), then you will need to submit your Form I-983 final evaluation for your current employer. The final evaluation must be completed by you and signed by your supervisor. You do not have to complete a brand-new Form I-983 for the evaluation, just the final evaluation found on page 5. You can submit the final evaluation via the STEM OPT Reporting eForm in iHopkins.

If your STEM OPT application is approved and your employer changes:

  • You’ll need to report the end date of your current employer to OIS. You can do this by submitting the STEM OPT Reporting eForm.
  • You must complete your Form I-983 final evaluation for your current employer. The final evaluation must be completed by you and signed by your supervisor. You can submit the final evaluation through the STEM OPT Reporting eForm.
  • You will need to provide your current employer end date and your new employer’s information. You will also need to upload a copy of the new completed and signed Form I-983 Training Plan for your new STEM OPT training opportunity through the STEM OPT Reporting eForm.
Can I work as a 1099 contractor?

No. The F-1 regulations require a bona-fide employer-employee relationship. 1099 contract employment does not meet this requirement.

Can I work at a staffing agency, temporary agency, or consulting firm?

Staffing and temporary agencies and consulting firms may seek to employ students under the STEM OPT program, but only if they will be the entity that provides the practical training experience to the student and they have and maintain a bona fide employer-employee relationship with the student.

The F-1 regulations state that, “The ‘personnel’ who may provide and supervise the training experience may be either employees of the employer, or contractors who the employer has directly retained to provide services to the employer; they may not, however, be employees or contractors of the employer’s clients or customers.”

The contractor should be the one to complete the I-983 with you as your supervisor. The contractor does not need to directly supervise you every day but does need input from you and the client (the other employer) to make sure you are reaching your training goals. The contractor will also need to complete a new I-983 every time you change site locations and you will need to submit the I-983 to OIS via the STEM OPT reporting form in iHopkins.

Can I be self-employed during the STEM extension?


I lost the job I was working in during the STEM OPT Extension. Do I have to leave the US?

You can be unemployed for up to 150 days total between your initial year of OPT and the STEM extension and you must report any changes in employment to OIS. If you lose your job but find another job before you accrue 150 days of unemployment, you may remain in the U.S. and you must report your employment details to the OIS using the STEM OPT reporting form in iHopkins. If you do not find a job before accruing 150 days of unemployment, you should depart the U.S.

My STEM OPT has been approved but I have not received my EAD. What do I do?

You can use your STEM OPT receipt number to track the status of your OPT application. When the application is approved, your tracking number for the EAD shipment is often included in the case status. If your EAD shows that it arrived, but did not, call your local United States Post Services (USPS) Office to see if they have any record of your EAD shipment. If not, call the USCIS Customer Service Number to see if it was returned to them or if the EAD was lost in the mail. If the EAD was returned to USCIS, you can request that they reship it to you, which can take an estimated 30 days. If the EAD was lost in the mail you will have to request a replacement. The replacement process is like the initial OPT application process and requires you to pay the application fee again. Once you receive the receipt for the replacement, you may be able to work for up to 90 days while you wait for the new EAD.

My EAD arrived, but there is an error on my EAD. What do I do?

The steps involved will depend on whether the correction was due to your own error or due to USCIS error. If it was your error, you must submit a new Form I-765, the filing fee, any documents specified in the form instructions, and the card containing the error. If it was USCIS error, you must submit the original card containing the error, a detailed explanation of the card error, and supporting documentation on the correct information. You will submit this information to the service center or National Benefit Center that approved your latest Form I-765.

Please note: If the service center on your latest I-765 is the Potomac Service Center, you will need to mail your documents to the USCIS Texas Service Center.

Reporting Requirements
Where do I find the self-evaluation?

The self-evaluation is found on the last page of your I-983. You only complete that after you have been on the STEM extension for one year.

Do I need to get a new I-20 after I report employment?

Although it’s not mandatory to get a new I-20 after you have reported employment, it is best practice to request one. The new I-20 will have up-to-date, accurate information.

I am on the STEM OPT extension and I cannot edit my employment in the SEVP Portal, how do I update my information?

While on the STEM extension, only the DSO can update your employment information and the DSO is required to review updates to your I-983 before making any changes. You must fill out the STEM OPT Reporting eForm in iHopkins to update your employment and upload the I-983 when necessary. You can still update your physical address in the SEVP Portal while on STEM OPT.

I received an email about the STEM validation reporting from the SEVP Portal and it says I need to contact my DSO. Can you help me complete my reporting?

While on the STEM extension, only the DSO can update your employment information and verify your validation reports. To complete a validation report you must fill out the STEM OPT Reporting eForm in iHopkins and select “STEM Extension Participation Reporting”. You will need to upload the I-983 when validating your participation at 12 months and 24 months or when your employment has ended.

I submitted my STEM validation reporting to OIS, but I am still receiving emails from the SEVP Portal about it. What’s going on?

This means that the DSO has not yet completed the STEM validation reporting yet. The emails are automatically generated and only stop when the correct inputs are done in SEVIS. If you have submitted the STEM validation reporting to OIS, you may disregard the emails from SEVP until your next reporting period. OIS processing time is 10 business days.

Do I still have to complete the STEM reporting if my information has not changed?

Yes, every six months you are required to report your employment and address details. Once you have completed one year on the STEM extension, you must submit the self-evaluation found on the last page of your I-983 to OIS (this satisfies your second 6-month reporting requirement). You will do the final evaluation on the last page of your I-983 every time you leave an employer or once you have finished 24 months of the STEM extension (this satisfies your fourth 6-month reporting requirement).

If I have changed employers throughout my first year of the extension, or I am not currently employed, who should sign my self-evaluation?

Employed: You can have your new employer sign it. Your self-evaluation should be based on what you have learned in the last year in all the different jobs you have had.

Not employed: You can leave the supervisor signature blank or you could ask your previous employer to sign it. Your self-evaluation should be based on what you have learned in the last year in all the different jobs you have had.

My STEM reporting time is coming up and I don’t have all of the required documents, or I forgot to submit everything in time. Am I going to get in trouble?

No. The DSO has a time frame around the exact 6, 12, 18, and 24 reporting dates in which to complete the request. If you submit your documents a few days late, there is not a penalty. If you submit your documents more than 30 days late, you may have a status violation. If you are having difficulty obtaining signatures from supervisors or your STEM OPT signatory, please contact OIS for options.

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