Please note that the hiring department must agree to pay the H-1B employee the actual wage being paid to all other individuals with similar experience or qualifications for the specific employment in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation for the specific location of employment, whichever is higher.
The OIS will review the wage determination and Actual Wage information, then advise the hiring department if the salary must be raised to meet the higher of the actual and prevailing wage.
According to the Internal Revenue Service, H-1B employees are liable for U.S. social security and Medicare taxes. This liability is outlined on the IRS website.
H-1Bs invited to lecture, collaborate, conduct research or present at other institutions can receive reimbursement and /or allowances for reasonable living and transportation costs only. They are not authorized to receive honorarium or other similar payment from institutions that have not sponsored their H-1B status.
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