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A note to our community

The university and OIS are actively monitoring changes in U.S. immigration and border policies that could have an impact on JHU’s community. It is not yet clear what the impact of many of these policy changes will be, and it may take time for federal agencies to determine how they plan to operationalize new directives.

  1. For advice on a range of questions related to immigration and visa status, contact the Office of International Services; staff are available M-F, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
  2. Should you need individualized legal assistance, OIS has compiled related resources
  3. Public safety concerns should be directed to Johns Hopkins Public Safety, 667-208-1200

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Need Additional Assistance?

JHU is a big place to navigate, but it is full of friendly, supportive, and helpful people! OIS staff are here to assist you if you are having challenges finding information or guidance, not just for immigration-related issues, but also any matter for which you cannot identify a solution. We will work to provide you with an answer or connect you to an appropriate resource for assistance. We look forward to serving you!