The J-1 Exchange Visitor program is meant to facilitate international exchange between the U.S. and other countries. Students who are enrolled in a degree program at an institution of higher education abroad, coming to JHU to engage in activities such as full-time research and/or coursework may be eligible for sponsorship in the J-1 Exchange Visitor Student-Non-Degree category. This page provides information for individuals who have been admitted to a JHU school/department as a “Visiting Student” and who meet the criteria for J-1 sponsorship. OIS works with the hosting department to issue a DS-2019 for the visiting student in the J-1 Student Non-Degree category. Below are some important points about J-1 Sponsorship for Visiting Students:
- Duration- The J-1 Student Non-Degree category has a minimum duration of three weeks and a maximum of two years
- Admission Requirement- Visiting Students must receive admission to the JHU school that is hosting their program. Hosting department should contact their school’s Admissions office for questions about the admissions process for Visiting Students
- Enrollment Requirement- J-1 regulations require that Non-Degree students engage full-time in a prescribed course of study. Visiting students are required to enroll in research credits and/or coursework upon arrival and for each additional semester/term they are at JHU on a full-time basis
- Participation requirements- Activities must occur primarily in-person. Virtual or fully remote exchange programs are not permitted
- Program Dates- Visiting Student program dates must fall within an established school semester/term in accordance with the appropriate academic calendar: *Note the following*
- A visiting student start date must fall within an academic term with at least two weeks remaining in that term
- A visiting student end date must fall outside of the two-week add/drop period of a new academic term
Post-Graduation Considerations for Visiting Students Visiting Students who intend to seek research opportunities in the U.S. beyond the completion of their visiting student program at JHU (and graduation from their degree program abroad) must review information HERE. |
Visiting students deemed eligible for J-1 visa sponsorship should review additional J-1 requirements:
- Must be able to meet J-1 Funding Requirements
- Must demonstrate sufficient English Language Proficiency
- Must provide information about previously held U.S. immigration statuses (if applicable)
Individuals who would like their legally married spouse and dependent children under age 21 to accompany them may be able to request J-2 status for them at the time of submitting initial J-1 request. It is possible to request J-2 status after you have received your J-1 DS-2019 form. Contact OIS at [email protected] to request information.
*Individuals who are transferring an existing J-1 status should be aware of the time limitations of their J-1 Student non-degree category. OIS advisor will contact incoming visiting student to initiate SEVIS transfer once the completed request is received from the hosting department.
J-1 Request Process Timeline
To begin the process for J-1 immigration sponsorship, the Johns Hopkins hosting department will reach out to the prospective J-1 visiting student to grant access to the required J-1 request eForms in iHopkins (the database used by OIS for reviewing immigration-related requests). The timeline below provides an overview of the process. A more detailed description of the J-1 Request Process Timeline is also available.

If you have questions about J-1 Student Non-Degree status, contact the OIS at [email protected].
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